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20 Tips To Help You Be Better At Multi Fuel Stoves With Back Boiler
2024-04-10 Aurelia Booth

Multi Fuel Stoves With Back Boiler

A multi fuel stove with back boiler enables you to run a full heating system in your home, as well as provide hot water. They have 2 water ports (1x return and 1x flow) that are 1 inch BSP sized and connect using standard compression fittings.


Multi fuel stoves with back boilers can be used to burn an array of other materials besides logs. This allows you to choose from a wider range of sources of heat, allowing you save money and reduce the carbon footprint. Multi fuel stoves are designed to burn a greater range of materials more efficiently than wood-burning stoves. In addition to standard logs, multi fuel stoves with back boilers will be capable of burning smokeless coal, anthracite and peat or turf briquettes. These devices can either be equipped with a raised grates and moving bars, Near or with central riddling grates and asphan. Both will allow the device de-ash regularly. Ash will be enclosed in an asphan below the combustion area, to allow for safe and convenient removal.

Boiler stoves have a heat output of up to 21 kw (14kw for water heating and 7kw for space heating) depending on the model chosen and can be connected into a hot accumulator tank or a conventional boiler system, allowing them to operate with solar panels if required. The boiler is housed within the stove and is usually on the side or back of the firebox. It is constructed of a thick, rolled steel and not the fragile cast iron.

It is also less vulnerable to rust because it is able to endure higher temperatures than cast iron stoves. The boiler is available with the stove pre-installed or as an add-on on, and there typically two (sometimes four) pipes that extend from the back of the stove for connecting to plumbing pipes.

The pipes can be connected to a hot water cylinder or directly into the radiator circuit of your home, with pumps switching on when the temperature of the water in the tank is at an appropriate level. This ensures that your radiators are heated first prior to the hot water for bathing and cooking is provided - a good method to keep your bills low while protecting against cold winter conditions.


A multi-fuel stove that has back boiler provides additional benefits when it comes to heating your home. In addition to the heat it produces from burning wood and other kinds of solid fuels, a fuel stove with a back boiler can also heat your hot water system. This means you can reduce the amount of gas, electricity or oil you consume in your home as well as reduce carbon emissions.

The heat generated by the multi-fuel stove and the back boiler is used to preheat the cold water that flows through the bottom. The hot water can be used to heat the house and for bathing and hot water taps for domestic use.

When properly installed the boiler can be used to heat water for a central heating system thermal store, large or small central heating systems. This will improve the efficiency of your home's energy usage and lower your energy costs. It can be used in conjunction with solar panels or underfloor heating to reduce energy costs and reduce carbon footprint.

Multi-fuel stoves with back boilers can be used as a simple wood-burning system for central heating or to connect to an accumulator tank. It is a flexible and cost-effective way of heating your home. You can combine a log boiler with a back boiler to complement an existing gas central heating system to save money both on installation and operating costs.



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